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Trace Element Supplements

Eating poop, Pet Pica, Poor coat, Weight loss
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Pet foods typically aim to provide balanced nutrition, but the manufacturing process can strip away some of the natural trace minerals found in ingredients. To ensure pets receive adequate trace minerals, pet owners often supplement their pets' diets with specialized products. These supplements are formulated to provide the necessary vitamins and minerals, including trace minerals like zinc, selenium, copper, and manganese, among others. Proper supplementation helps prevent deficiencies and supports overall health in dogs and cats.

Here are some symptoms commonly associated with trace mineral deficiencies in dogs and cats:

  • Poor coat quality: A deficiency in trace minerals like zinc can lead to dull, dry, and brittle coats in both dogs and cats.
  • Skin issues: Skin problems such as dermatitis, itching, flakiness, or lesions can occur due to deficiencies in essential trace minerals like zinc, copper, or selenium.
  • Weakness and lethargy: Lack of essential minerals like iron or magnesium can cause weakness, lethargy, and fatigue in pets.
  • Weight loss or poor growth: In growing animals, trace mineral deficiencies can lead to stunted growth or failure to thrive. 
  • Behavioral abnormalities: Unusual behaviors like eating poop or garbage can sometimes be associated with nutritional deficiencies.




  • Support skin health and immune function.
  • Supplement the Calcium needed by pets.
  • Helps to reduce the risk of anemia causing weakness and wasting.
  • Glutamine, which helps protect the intestinal mucosal barrier function and helps reduce the risk of intestinal damage.
  • Helps reduce the risk of eating disorders and replenish the calcium your pet needs.

How to use

Trace Element Supplements


Chicken meal, purple potato meal, brewer's yeast extract.

Iron glycine complex, zinc methionine complex, copper glycine complex, manganese methionine complex, calcium iodate.

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