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Phenobarbital is an anticonvulsant drug that is used to treat seizures and epilepsy in dogs and cats. The medication should take effect within 1 to 2 hours. Since the full effects may not be obvious right away, your veterinarian may monitor your pet with different tests to evaluate the efficiency of the medication.
Oral administration: one dose, 6-12mg per 1kg body weight, or as recommended by veterinarian. (1 count=30mg)
Patients with liver and kidney insufficiency, bronchial asthma or respiratory depression are contraindicated. Patients with severe anemia, heart disease and pregnant animals should be used with caution.
How can I tell if my dog has epilepsy?
Different types of seizure can occur in animals; most typically ‘generalised’ seizures are seen. Generalised seizures cause a loss of consciousness, involuntary repetitive movements, urination, salivation and defecation. Smaller or ‘partial’ seizures involve more focal areas of the brain and may appear as muscle spasms/tremors, abnormal sensations or even hallucinations.
What is the cause of epilepsy?
Seizures may occur due to an identifiable cause; like intoxication, kidney disease, liver disease, brain malformations, tumours or inflammation (so called ‘symptomatic’ epilepsy).
During a seizure, you should do the following things to protect your pet:
Move any objects from around your pet that they may injure themselves on e.g. furniture
Turn off the lights, music and television to reduce environmental stimulation
Begin monitoring and recording their duration and severity of the seizure
Never be tempted to put your hands in or around your pet’s mouth. Animals may bite during or after a seizure as they may not recognise you.
Contact your vet as soon as possible if:
Your pet is actively seizing for more than two minutes
Your pet has more than two seizures in a 24-hour period
Your pet is showing recurrent twitching / tremoring
Your veterinarian might recommend phenobarbital, which is an authorized medication for managing seizures.