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Puainta® Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Puainta® Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Puainta® Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Puainta® Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Puainta® Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Puainta® Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Puainta® Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Puainta® Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Puainta® Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Puainta® Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Puainta® Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Puainta® Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Puainta® Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Puainta® Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Puainta® Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Puainta® Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Puainta® Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Puainta® Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Puainta® Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Puainta® Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Puainta® Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Puainta® Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Puainta® Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Puainta® Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Puainta® Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Puainta® Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick
Puainta® Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick

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Puainta® Antifungal, Bacterial Spray Flea & Tick

Pipot spray, Fipronil spot on

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Using Pipot spray for bacterial and fungal infections, and fipronil drops for flea and tick treatment. This two-pronged treatment strategy can be very effective in managing and resolving 99% of skin conditions in pets. 

Why fipronil is recommended over avermectin?

Fipronil is applied topically and has minimal systemic absorption, which reduces the risk of systemic side effects. It can be used on young puppies and kittens (usually older than 8 weeks), which makes it versatile for early treatment of external parasites. Some breeds of dogs (e.g., collies, Australian shepherds) have a genetic mutation (MDR1 gene mutation) that makes them more sensitive to the effects of avermectins. This can lead to serious neurological side effects, including tremors, ataxia, and even death.

Why is hydrochloric not included in the skin spray formulation?
Hydrochloric acid is not added to the skin spray because it is harmful to the skin and not compatible with skincare products. Additionally, it can be irritating to the skin and harmful for animals like dogs and cats if they lick it. Instead, we utilize natural plant extracts that are mild and non-irritating.
Does the skin spray have mite-repellent properties?
Yes, Licorice root extract and Usnea Barbata extract, have antimicrobial or anti-inflammatory properties that could deter mites or help soothe skin irritations caused by mites. But it won't repel ticks or fleas. We prioritize a gentle formulation that is safe if ingested, and any product claiming to repel ticks or fleas while being lickable would be misleading.

Pipot Skin Spray

Pipot Skin Spray prioritizes safety and effectiveness above all else. Unlike some skin sprays that use harsh ingredients like hydrochloric, known for its potential to irritate and harm the skin, our formula relies on gentle yet powerful elements. In contrast, our pet skin spray utilizes nano-silver technology and natural extracts, carefully selected to provide a soothing and effective solution for your pet's skincare needs. 

For fast-acting relief from irritated skin, try Veterinary Formula Clinical Care Antiseptic and Antifungal Medicated Spray! This pet spray is specially formulated to help soothe red, scaly, greasy, or smelly skin. Antifungal Spray is a medicated treatment for dogs & cats that deodorizes and helps relieve fungal and bacterial skin infections. 


  • Kills more than 650 kinds of bacteria and fungi in minutes.
  • Penetrate 2mm subcutaneously for antibacterial purposes.
  • Good for wound healing, skin renewing, and itching relief, having great antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Nano-silver particles are applied with slow-release technology.
  • Ringworm in dogs is mainly caused by Microsporum canis, Pipot spray can effectively kill 99.99% of Microsporum canis.

How to use

Shave your pet’s hair on the infected part, and spray it on the infected part directly till the skin is slightly wet, 3-5 times a day for 5-7 days. Keep the skin slightly wet if possible.


Quantum silver, Cistanche extract, Cordyceps militaris extract, Usnea Barbata extract, Centella asiatica extract, licorice root extract, and Gentiana extract.

Fipronil Spot on

Fipronil Flea and Tick Treatment for Dogs and Cats is a fast-acting, long-lasting, and waterproof flea and tick protection proven to kill fleas, lice, eggs, and ticks. Suitable for use in dogs and cats over 8 weeks of age.


  • Kill within 24 hours Flea and Tick within 48 hours.
  • Kill Fleas to 1 month in dogs and cats.
  • Tick kills up to one month in cats and dogs.
  • Fipronil works in the central nervous system of insects (fleas dogs, cats, mites) which then paralyzes insects and eventually death. It does not through your pet’s bloodstream.
  • The active ingredient fipronil rapidly dissolves into the skin’s natural oils your pet and feathers, spreads over the entire surface of the body within 24 hours, and is concentrated in the oil glands of the skin to form a cistern/reservoir.
  • Fipronil is then secreted by the natural oils from the skin and fur, diterusin to your pet’s skin layers and furs for several weeks after application.
  • Bathing is not allowed within two days before and after applying the product. Best use it 3 days after showering your pet and keep it away from getting wet, as the formula needs time to spread and activate from under the skin of the whole body.

Flea & Tick Defense Spot-on Solution{Discounted price}







1 stick/ box 0.67ml*1 stick/ box (dog) 0.5ml*1 stick/ box (cat)
3 stick/ box 0.67ml*3 sticks/ box (dog) 0.5ml*3 stick/ box (cat)


For external use, oral administration and licking are forbidden. Avoid dripping into pet's eyes.

Do not apply it on puppies and kittens under 8 weeks.

Do not bathe for two days before and after applying. Applying once every month for flea-infected areas.

It is recommended to put an Elizabethan collar on your beloved pet after the medication to prevent it from licking.

Must be used completely when opened.

Recommended dosage is 1x application every 2-4 weeks depending on infestation risk.

How to use